Access Nocturnal Raphael | 1024x768 | 268kb Not a bad theme, but not that great either. I like how he ripped off the popups from blacklit2. However, he tries to make as much use of his desktop as possible, and that's what counts. | |
analogue bubblebath steeef | 1024x768 | 379kb Well what can I say. This is my favorite theme, obviously, since I made it. I was particularly pleased with the way the shortcuts in the bottom left turned out. Getting rid of my wharf mods was a big step, but it was fun. | |
BlueStep Dan Gilbert | 1024x768 | 880kb Ok, this theme has wharf folders. So sue me. Other than that, though, he's got basically nothing on his screen. Great use of colors. Not too flashy, but pleasing to the eye. | |
BruteStep Laibach | 1024x768 | 37kb Brad finally released a theme, and it's pretty damn good. Sure it's greyscale, but he does a good job with it. And the picture in the middle is scary, which is also good. | |
Deoxyribonucleic red|rect | 1024x768 | 620kb Another crazy theme by red|rect. Pretty flashy, maybe even too flasy. Nice wharf, though. However, his use of purple is a bit staggering. | |
Earth Step Ruddigger | 800x600 | 2476kb Hrm, can't say much about this one. Never really did get that whole "Hey, let's use E icons in LiteStep" craze. Nice shortcut bar, however. | |
Enigma v3.0 c0mrade | 800x600 | 871kb Not too fond of the color scheme, but there was a lot of work put into the layout, and I like that. It's a Neobar-inspired theme, but it has its uniqueness nonetheless. | |
envi081 mr_eh | 1024x768 | 91kb As you can tell from the file size, this is a pretty minimalistic theme. Features mr_eh's ansi shortcut thing. In the screenshot, he has his wharf bar hidden, giving him even more desktop space to work with. Nice job, IMO. | |
envi24oldschool mr_eh | 1024x768 | 69kb Here's the second theme from mr_eh. Good layout, very simple. Popup and Hotkey driven. Uses the wharf for modules. He sure loves his ansi. | |
Gits Green NoMoTiV | 1152x864 | 362kb Looks good. Very minimalistic (looks like just popups and hotkeys). I like the colors in the background and popups. No complaints, except a personal one: not too fond of Anime-related themes. | |
Iris v1.0 Optykal | any | 265kb And here we have Optykal's first LiteStep theme. Great work. BTW, don't mean to take credit away from him, but I helped out with a lot of the engineering stuff, so I know how great this theme is firsthand. | |
LiteStep Digital Eduardo Sousa | 800x600 | 530kb I mainly included this one just so you couldn't say I left it out. It is clearly minimalistic, even by Spudge's standards. The popup menu is nice. He doesn't even use a vwm. Crazy guy. | |
Minimal Blue Rudyatek | 800x600 | 307kb Nice. He tries to put as much stuff on the screen without cluttering it. L-ement takes up littlespace. And i like the use of the tile from propaganda. | |
Minimal Killarny | 1024x768 | 994kb This was perhaps one of the first ever minimalistic themes for LiteStep .24. It should be noted, however, that the screenshot shown is on of my old ones, since I couldn't find an original. Ignore the gay background. He did a nice job with the shortcuts, and the mouseovers flow nicely. | |
Morph LE Dweezil | 800x600 | 433kb Well, since this is based on morpheusX's original theme, it's automatically good. I used to be a grayscale person myself, and I think I'm headed back there. Neat stuff. Also, Dweezil wants me to mention morpheusX as an author as well. It's only fair. | |
Morph SE morpheusX | 1024x768 | 341kb Well, here's the theme many people I've talked to have been waiting for. Morpheus finally released it, along with some new changes, including lscommand.dll as a command line, and the calendar. IMO, this is the cleanest looking theme on here. Great job, Morpheus. | |
NeoBar morpheusX | 1024x768 | 657kb Well, again morpheusX brings us an amazing theme. The engineering behind this one is even more complex than the last one. Now instead of using lsexecpad, he's using limpid's on-top shortcuts. Plus, he changed the background (much better than the last one, IMO).Great stuff I must say. | |
NeoStep Deth | 1024x768 | 187kb Looks like this guy took an idea from NeoPlanet and ran with it. Nice adaptation IMO. Again, we see a shortcut menu on the left. Nice looking popups, though i don't see the need for separations in each menu. | |
neurojunction rew | 1600x1200 | 851kb a BIG theme by rew. Sort of a followup to his pipeline theme. Better use of shortcuts in this one, though. And the popup menu is better. Notice he's using my zork theme for MyPad in the screenshot. hehe. | |
pipeline rew | 1600x1200 | 327kb And here we have yet another HUGE rew theme. This one actually came before neurostep. Nice background, good use of space (but then, with that much desktop space, it's hard to abuse it). The popup is a little space-wasting, but not that bad. | |
Planet Mars SharQue | 800x600 | 668kb Well, nice use of transparent shortcuts. The popup is a bit ugly though. And I bet I'd get tired of the background after a while. | |
PrayStation Joshua Davis | 1280x1024 | 209kb And here we have a huge theme. Very nice layout, however. Again, we see the menu of shortcuts on the left. Little use of colors, but what color is there is nice. | |
Redline saeder | 1280x1024 | 448kb Hmm, this is a mighty dark theme. I like it though. Simple, yet functional. | |
Sentimental Grafitti Fathom | 1024x768 | 299kb Well, great graphics on this one. One thing I think might get annoying is the background after a while, but I never used it that long to find out. Another shortcut menu, but this time they're blank until you do a mouseover on them. | |
SGI Octane Praxxis | 640x480 | 634kb Well, this was created for a simple purpose, so it would be evil to say it looks gay. On the plus side, it works for those with small monitors, low resolutions, etc. | |
simple Cuchullain | 1024x768 | 421kb Like the name says: simple. I like the grayscale color scheme, and the hideable shortcutbar. Nice work. | |
Simplicity NitroWeb | 1024x768/800x600 | 1166kb Personal opinions aside, I have to say this theme deserves a try. A lot of work went into it, as the double-step.rc distribution shows. This one also uses a shortcut bar, but it is elloquently designed. Nice job. | |
Sleek red|rect | 1024x768 | 623kb A bit flashy, but it works. I particularly like the colors in the wharf. Looks like it's primarily popup and hotkey driven. | |
SnarkBar Snark | 1280x1024 | 404kb Not bad. Almost not minimal, but it's saving space. One note about this theme: it does not come with the woman you see here, which is good, because porn and litestep don't mix. | |
VipeR's Grave ]VipeR[ | 1024x768 | 170kb This one's stretching it a bit for a minimalistic theme, but it works nicely. Shortcut menu on the top-left is nice. However, I'm not much a fan of the popups. | |
Vital Status Fathom | 1024x768 | 535kb This theme relys mostly on the shortcut menu you see on the left. The wharf was only used for the vwm. Good use of space overall. | |
Voyager John Boyd II | 1024x768 | 1358kb Well, hrm. This theme is pretty nice. Never was much of a Voyager fan. However, I like his use of desktop shortcuts. Deskmods was a nice touch too. | |
WebOS Lowspirit | 800x600 | 435kb Good stuff. I like the Mac feel of the desktop. Looks like a good Morph-type theme for those that enjoy the feel of WebOS. | |
Z-Nome Zues | 1152x864 | 1421kb Hmm, very nice implementation of the Gnome panel... Could do without the wharf-like popups, but they serve their purpose. The panel takes up little desktop space in the process. |